Saturday, October 24, 2009

This Week

This week has been a good week, overall. Imagine as your Doctor tells you & use the knowledge that you've been learning in your quest to be healthy: avoid triggers and if that means being house-bound, so be it; don't eat foods on the lists (histamine containing and latex cross over concomittant); sleep; drink water; exercise in moderation (so as not to cause a reaction); find things to be joyful about and embrace those things; love fully, passionately and without regret. Be what you are, now. As you are. Stop trying to be EVERYTHING to EVERYONE. Stop setting yourself up for failure, but continue to dream of what you CAN do...

The strings on my yoga pants are longer today. My breasts look bigger to me, because the flub underneath them appears to be shrinking.

I've given up trying to make the few foods I can have, taste good. So, it's easier to pick at small bits of salmon, kamut bread with blueberry or blackberry or raspberry jam (raspberries are on the 'reactive' list but they've NEVER hurt me...), sauteed onions and garlic, squash, peas, green beans. Odd bit of chicken. Just to nourish myself.

What I am doing, is cooking for my family. Portioned for 3. Served with love. Prepared with love, gratitude and the desire to nourish the bodies of those I love.

I'm grateful for my Motherinlaw, who brings over baked treats. This way, I don't have torture myself with making them. Things like Brownies and cookies and muffins are difficult to make without wanting to 'cheat'. And 'cheating' makes my body hurt.

I should pick up some kamut and sourgham flour. These don't hurt me. I tried baking cookies with Quinoa and they tasted bitter and unrepentant. Even spiced with ginger, they were horrid.

I want to feel THIS good everyday. And my wish is for each of you to feel this good too. xoxoxo

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