Friday, September 24, 2010

New Art

This is Roy's bike.  It's a Kawasaki 1100.  This picture is done in pencil, graphite and ink.  I'm finding the combination of the three media effective.

I'm currently working on some varied art for cards.  These cards will be available for sale through both Canadian (one set) and USA (another set) Mastocytosis Societies.  They will be blank greeting cards to support Mastocytosis research and a search for a cure.  Will post these when I'm done.

I went to my first Live Figure Drawing class last night. Nude model.  Really great experience.  I got loads of positive feedback on my 'studies' (I'm not to call them 'doodles' anymore...) Some are 30 second; some 10 minute and some 20 minute studies in still live.  I will continue to honour, work with and grow the creativity that I've been blessed with.  I will let the 'Divine' in me, emerge.

1 comment:

WinnyNinny PooPoo said...

This is a wonderful rendering!

Looking forward to seeing the cards, and ordering some!