Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Two Days of Nothing...

I'm almost afraid to write about going two days now without any signs of 'reactions'. Don't wanna jinx myself. No swelling, tongue normal, doesn't hurt to breathe, the spots on my chest have settled down into what I can only describe as sort of light moles (wonder if they'll disappear completely, or hang around?) and they have ceased their tireless itching, no digestive disturbances, no sleep disturbances, no weather disturbances, no emotional disturbances, feeling OK.


Mind you, I've been on a low carb diet for two days. And, with the exception of custard this afternoon, dairy free too. Maybe I should eat this way more often? I don't even feel bloated anymore. The swelling around my ankles has died down. I suspect it has to do with the iodine I've been slathering on my hips, that's being absorbed quicker than quick into my body. My Homeopath suggested a couple of years ago that I try this. I take a Q-tip and rub Iodine on my hips in about a Looney or a Two-ney diameter (that's currency in Canada.) If it's still there the next day, my thyroid is just fine and my body has no use for it. If it's gone, then keep applying until my body has no use for it. My iodine spots are disappearing in about an hour at the moment...a sign that my thyroid ain't feeling so hot.

It's 8:30 pm in my neck of the woods and I'm tired, but I'll take that over all the trauma and drama that has been my physical and psychological life recently. I guess being holed up at home has it's bonuses. Haven't been out of the house for two days. Usually I get at least a walk in, but it's been too icy and flaming cold for that. Not even my down filled jacket is enough for me to suit up and hit the elements. My dog, Charlotte, doesn't want to be outside a second longer than she needs to be too, so I'll take that as a sign. I can't wait to hit the pillow tonight.

The Canadian Mastocytosis group put out a message today (or the other day...I just got it today) for submissions of diagnosis stories. As this process is often lengthy, frustrating and disheartening, they are hoping to gather stories of folks who've been down the road. You don't necessarily have to be Canadian to join the research team with your story. I don't have permission to post this message on my blog right now, so I'll hold off until I do. But, I think it's important to know that they are seeking your journey. None of this needs to be in vain.

On that note, I can't keep my eyes open a moment longer. g'night all.

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