Please read my friend Dawn's recent blog about Pain:
It's a great look at Pain...and not just Masto pain. Dawn speaks about her courageous sister Lori, who battles Fybromyalgia. I have a special person in my life who has it too, and she's is filled with the same kind of strength, personal resolve and stubborness to not let 'it' win. So Dawn's post just about sums it up. Eloquently, succinctly and yet remains filled with hope. Hope and determination are two qualities that living with chronic illnesses solicit in us. Sure, there is a certain amount of personal wallowing and 'whoa is me' we have to wade through to get to Hope and Determination...but it's doable.
The strength that we manage to summon, when there are truly truly dark days when the pain is so bad that you just wanna curl and up and die, is blessing and a stark reminder that we ARE capable of the good fight even when we're down and out. However, the love and the joys/blessings that good family members and friends bring to our lives is part of an undeniable and much needed support system that helps us remember that in our fraility today, we CAN keep going...and that we are not alone in our fight. So, Lori, thank you for being there for Dawn. (in no particular order....) Mum, Dad, Auntie Pam and Uncle Pete, Mimi, Ant, Dorrie & Al, Simon, Nicole, Cousin Lauren, thanks for being there for me; Dawn thanks for being there for me; (in no particular order....) Julie, Celeste, Mark, Tom, Kevin, Allie, Emma, Cheryl, Carrie, Lesley, Leslie, Drea, Barb, Lori (I have my own special Lori), Tim, David, Sherry, Grant, Dan, Heather, Chrissy & Kadence, Jane, and that incredible group of Masto Sisters I've met on Facebook (sorry, it's 2 brain is about to turn to mush....) THANK YOU.
I'd love to tell Masto, that naughty little boy, that he needs to go stand in the corner and leave the rest of us alone. However, the pain and insomnia are too strong tonight, so I'm awake on here and am reading biochemistry books in the hopes that I will konk out soon. Please read Dawn's post. It's a good one, and one I'm sure we can all identify with. Pain bites. Chronic Pain is...brutal.