Monday, March 23, 2009


First, with the gorgeousity of spring piercing the morning sky, I find my heart filled with music. So, I'd like to share some with you today.


While this rendition is by four Norweigen gentlemen (whose names I don't yet know...but they have gorgeous voices), I am a die-hard Leonard Cohen fan. This song, in its various incarnations, speaks to me.

Masto-wise, it's been a quiet weekend. I had a glass of wine on Saturday night, that threw me headlong into vomiting and an all day hang-over. Note to Self: wine isn't worth it. Despite my loving the taste and missing the kinesthetic pleasures of it. So I'm quite tired today. My stomach has yet to recover.

Knee surgery-wise: the knee is healing but is feeling quite weak today. Perhaps going without a cane yesterday was too much for it? Not enough rest? I dunno. The weather (sun peaking through the cold March morning) makes me wanna be outside in my garden but my legs have other ideas. So, it's back to bed for a wee spell this morning for me. I'm exhausted. And the day has just begun.

Peace with be you.

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